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How to manage ADD in TenetOS

I have sent an ADD request. How do I know if it has been accepted?

An email notification is sent to the contact to inform them of an ADD request. The notification instructs them on how to view and manage the ADD request.

You will receive a confirmation if the contact accepts the ADD request.

This is the confirmation you will get that a contact has accepted your ADD request.

In TenetOS, an icon shall appear beside an individual who has accepted the ADD request and that their information has been shared. This information cannot be changed.

You will see this icon and notice in TenetOS if a contact has accepted the ADD request.

I have accepted an ADD request. What do I do now?

The Client Group must continue completing their account application or updating their client profile. Once it is approved, the Client Group shall be visible under your Network in Client Groups.

When you sign in to TenetOS using your existing username, you will be prompted to select the Client Group in which to act or operate. You may switch between Client Groups at any time from Network and then Client Groups.