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How to make an internal transfer

Tenet offers streamlined internal transfers for effortless cash management between any of your accounts. Clients can instantly transfer funds between their accounts with exceptional ease and security. Real-time transaction updates and comprehensive account monitoring ensure transparency and control over all movements of funds.

1. Sign in to TenetOS with your "Username" and "Password". Click [SIGN IN].

2. Go to "Transfers" and then "Internal Transfer".

3. Select the from account and to account. Enter the transfer details and click [SUBMIT].

Approval required from Transaction Rules1.

4. The internal transfer may be pending additional approvals, depending on your set-up of Transaction Rules.

5. Once the approvals are received, the internal will be completed and appear in your account activity.

Transfer will be completed in your transactions.

Transfer will appear in your account activity.

  1. This action requires an approval from your Transaction Rules. Learn more about Transaction Rules