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User Settings and Permissions in TenetOS

TenetOS offers flexible and dynamic control over user management and permissions. User permissions are a fundamental aspect of security and access management, serving to control and regulate who can access specific features, and to what extent. In TenetOS, user permissions are crucial for maintaining proper corporate oversight in the account, and ensure proper client authorisations are received.

1. User Profile and Network

The user has access to their user profile and network as a default.

User Profile

Under User Profile, the user can manage their personal details, message, sign in and security, and notifications.


Under Network, the user can review their Client Groups and manage network connection requests.

2. Transaction Permissions

Transaction permissions determine if the user can view accounts, request transfers, and be part of transaction approval rules. These permissions are managed under User Management.

There are three available permissions:

View Access

The user may view Accounts, which includes Account Summary, Account Activity, and Pending Transactions.

Instruct transaction

The user inherits permissions from View Access and may also manage transfer templates and request transfers under Transfers, which includes Wire Transfer, Internal Transfer, and Transfer Templates.

Authorised signatory

The user inherits permissions from Instruct transaction and may be included as a member in transaction approval rules to approve wire and internal transfers. The user does not have to be part of transaction approval rules; this permission only allows the availability to be part of them.

3. Administrator Permissions

Administrator permissions determine if the user can manage critical settings of the bank account under Administration. These permissions are managed under User Management.

The available permissions are as follows:


The user does not have access to Administration.


The user may only view User Management under Administration and only has the ability to Enable User.

This permission is only available to the applicant user if that user is not a director, controller, or equivalent to the applicant entity.


The user has full access to Administration, which includes User Management, Client Profile, Transaction Rules, and Administration Rules. The user may be included as a member in administration approval rules to approve changes to critical settings of the account. The user does not have to be part of administration approval rules; this permission only allows the availability to be part of them.

Under User Management, the user may add new users, modify the permissions of existing users, and deactivate users.

Under Client Profile, the user may add new components, remove components, and edit the corporate structure.

Under Transaction Rules, the user may add approval groups and manage transaction rules. Transaction Rules are applied to bank accounts and govern the approval matrix required on each wire and internal transfer.

Under Administration Rules, the user may add approval groups and manage administration rules. Administration Rules govern changes to critical settings of the account, which includes approving new bank accounts, any changes to users, any changes to the client structure, any changes to transaction rules, and any changes to administration rules.